The Complete Guide to Lip Filler Removal

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a woman underwent lip filler removal

Get the Answers on Safely and Effectively Removing Lip Fillers

Lip filler removal is a process that dissolves filler previously injected into your lips. This reverses the effects of lip augmentation to restore your natural lip shape.

That pillowy pout was everything on Instagram. But off-camera your super-filled lips feel freakish, not fetching. Before you take a DIY removal hack to those clown-like injectables, stop. Destroying filler with dangerous at-home tricks can cause serious harm. This guide shares the inside scoop on safely removing lip fillers from an expert injector.

If you want to wipe the slate clean from a lip filler mishap, this guide shares trusted techniques to reduce and remove hyaluronic acid safely. Discover how professionally dissolving lip injections works to gently erase filler for natural looking lips again.

Discover your customized lip filler removal plan when you schedule a consultation with our experienced medical aesthetics team at Montville MedSpa & Pain Center. Contact us now.

What is Lip Filler Removal?

a woman underwent lip filler removal

Lip filler removal is a procedure that breaks down and dissolves artificial filler material previously injected into the lips. It essentially reverses the effects of lip augmentation.

There are two main methods used:

  1. Hyaluronidase injections – Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that degrades hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers by speeding up their breakdown. Most dermal fillers today are made of HA. Several small injections of hyaluronidase are administered directly into the lips over 2-3 treatment sessions spaced 1-2 weeks apart.
  2. Manual lip filler extraction – This technique involves massaging the lips to break up the filler. Sometimes a small needle or cannula is used to manually draw out and extract bits of filler through the injection points. Local numbing medication is applied beforehand to minimize discomfort.

The right technique is chosen based on factors like the type and amount of filler, the skill of the provider, and your desired outcome. Many patients opt for a combined approach using both hyaluronidase and manual extraction for the most effective results.

Is Lip Filler Removal Painful?

Patients usually describe lip filler removal as a mildly uncomfortable or weird sensation, but not overtly painful. However, pain thresholds vary individually.

The lip area is quite sensitive, so you may feel some pinching, pressure, stinging or tenderness as the filler is broken down and drained. Any discomfort is temporary and subsides once the numbing medication takes effect.

Your practitioner will take steps to maximize comfort:

  1. Applying a topical anesthetic cream beforehand
  2. Using cannulas instead of needles
  3. Injecting slowly and carefully

Many patients choose to use dental blocks for a profound numbing effect. You may also take over-the-counter pain medication beforehand.

How Long Does Lip Filler Removal Take?

The duration of your lip filler removal session can range from 30 to 90 minutes depending on several factors:

  • Amount of filler to be removed: The more filler that needs to be dissolved, the longer the procedure will take. Removing a large volume of filler will require more injections of the dissolving enzyme hyaluronidase.
  • Viscosity and hardness of the filler: Thicker, more cohesive fillers may take longer to dissolve compared to softer, more malleable fillers.
  • Technique used: In addition to injecting hyaluronidase, other techniques like puncturing and draining the filler may be used for lumps or irregularities. This can add time to the procedure.
  • Number of injection sites required: The more areas that need to be injected with hyaluronidase, the longer the treatment will take. Dissolving filler in multiple areas like the lips, cheeks and under the eyes requires more injections

The first treatment aims to break down and loosen the filler. It may take 2-3 staggered sessions to completely eliminate all traces of it. Waiting 1-2 weeks between appointments allows the destroyed filler to be naturally absorbed while minimizing swelling.

How Much Does Lip Filler Removal Cost?

The average cost of lip filler removal ranges from $400 – $800 per session. However, the total cost depends on a few variables:

FactorEffect on Cost
Geographic LocationPrices tend to be higher in major metropolitan areas, while smaller towns may offer lower rates.
Experience of the ProviderMore experienced providers, such as board-certified plastic surgeons, may charge higher fees due to their expertise and skill, which can lead to better results.
Amount of Filler to be RemovedThe more filler that needs to be dissolved, the longer the procedure will take, potentially increasing the cost.
Number of Sessions NeededMany patients require 2-3 sessions for complete dissolution, which compounds the total cost with each additional appointment.

During your consultation, the provider should clearly explain all expected costs upfront. Some practices offer package deals for multiple sessions at a discounted rate.

Receive affordable lip filler removal pricing at Montville MedSpa & Pain Center’s state-of-the-art facility. Get in touch with us today.

What are the Risks of Lip Filler Removal?

lip bruising after lip filler removal

When performed by a licensed, reputable provider, lip filler removal is considered a very safe procedure with minimal risks such as:

  • Bruising, Swelling, Redness: These are common temporary effects following the procedure, typically resolving within 7-10 days. They occur due to the injection process itself.
  • Asymmetry: There can be slight unevenness in the lips as the filler dissipates at different rates in various areas. This usually corrects itself over time.
  • Lumpiness or Nodules: Incomplete breakdown of the filler may lead to visible bumps, which might require additional treatment sessions to smooth out.
  • Allergic Reaction: Although rare, some individuals may experience an allergic reaction to hyaluronidase, which can manifest as significant swelling, rash, or itching.
  • Scarring: This can occur if excessive force is used during the manual extraction process.
  • Infection and Necrosis: There is a risk of infection if proper sterilization is not maintained. In severe cases, this could lead to tissue necrosis.
  • Filler Migration: Improper dissolution can cause the filler to migrate, leading to uneven results that may require further intervention.

While serious complications from lip filler removal are uncommon, they can occur if the procedure is performed by an unqualified injector. To minimize the risks of any complications, it is crucial to choose an experienced, board-certified provider who has undergone specialized training in lip filler removal techniques. 

Patients should avoid getting the procedure done at “injection parties” or pop-up MedSpas that seem unreputable or fly-by-night. Selecting a properly credentialed and skilled practitioner greatly reduces the risks and helps ensure the lip filler removal is done safely and effectively.

Can I Remove Lip Fillers Myself?

Attempting to remove lip fillers at home using methods such as heat, massage, or certain chemical compounds can lead to significant complications, including:

  • Permanent Damage and Lumps: Improper techniques can cause lasting damage to the lip tissue, resulting in lumps or irregularities.
  • Scarring or Fat Necrosis: Trauma to the tissues during DIY attempts can lead to scarring or fat necrosis, where fat tissue dies due to lack of blood supply.
  • Nerve Damage: If nerves are damaged during the process, it can result in numbness or altered sensations in the lip area.
  • Dyspigmentation or Loss of Lip Contour: Uncontrolled methods may lead to discoloration or an unnatural lip shape.
  • Life-Threatening Vascular Occlusion: If filler inadvertently enters a blood vessel, it can cause serious complications, including vascular occlusion, which may lead to tissue death.

The safest and most effective way to dissolve lip fillers is through professional treatment by a qualified provider who can administer hyaluronidase. This professional approach ensures that the procedure is done safely and effectively, minimizing risks and complications.

How Long Does It Take for Lips to Heal After Filler Removal?

The recovery process for lips after filler removal takes patience. Most patients can expect their lips to heal through the following stages:

Healing AspectDuration
Healing DurationIt typically takes 7-10 days for the lips to fully heal and recover after having fillers dissolved. This aligns with standard recovery expectations.
SwellingSwelling usually peaks within the first 2-3 days and begins to subside thereafter. Most residual swelling and any subtle unevenness often resolve by the end of the first week.
Bruising and RednessBruising, redness, and tenderness generally improve significantly by day 5, which is consistent with typical healing timelines.
Final ResultsIt can take up to 10 days for the lips to settle into their final appearance after filler removal.

Patience is key! It may take several weeks for your lips to fully stabilize if you had years of filler accumulated. Allow your lips time to adjust to their new filler-free state.

Can I Get Lip Fillers Again After Removal?

Yes, it is certainly possible to get lip fillers again after having them dissolved and removed. There is no rule stating you can only get injected once in your lifetime!

However, it’s best to wait at least 3-6 months after lip filler removal before considering reinjection. This allows sufficient time for residual swelling to fully resolve and for your lips to heal and recover their pre-filler shape.

When the time comes to reaugment your lips, approach it conservatively. Discuss with your practitioner the importance of starting subtly and slowly building to your desired result. Avoid excessive overfilling that led you to pursue removal originally. A measured, disciplined approach is key.

Rediscover your perfect pout with Montville MedSpa & Pain Center’s artistic approach to subtle, natural-looking lip filler re-treatments. Start your journey today!

In Conclusion

lip filler treaments at Montville Medspa & Pain Center

Lip aesthetics evolve as beauty trends and individual styles change over time. Those who once desired dramatically plumped lips may now wish to soften their look. Expert lip filler removal techniques allow for safe dissolution and reversal of previous augmentations. 

The process takes patience over multiple sessions for complete resolution. But for those seeking to reinvent their lips and restore a more natural contour, filler removal can help achieve new aesthetic goals. With an experienced injector, clients have the option to dynamically refresh their look if their current lips no longer match their desired image.

To learn more about lip filler removal options customized just for you, schedule an in-depth consultation with the experienced team of medical aesthetics professionals at Montville MedSpa & Pain Center.