PDO Thread Lift in Montville NJ

Seeking to lift, contour and smooth wrinkled or sagging skin on your face and neck without surgery?

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Polydioxanone (PDO) thread lifts offer a proven way to achieve non-surgical facial rejuvenation with minimal recovery. 

At Montville MedSpa in Montville, New Jersey, experienced injectors use the latest dissolvable PDO threads to provide natural-looking enhancements that can roll back the signs of aging.

This article will cover how PDO thread lifts work, the types of threads available, procedure details, results, aftercare, costs, and why Montville MedSpa is an ideal place for thread lift treatments. 

With our PDO thread lift expertise and customized approach, you can refresh your appearance with subtle lifting and collagen stimulation.

How Do PDO Thread Lifts Work?

PDO thread lifts involve inserting very thin threads made of absorbable polydioxanone under the skin to provide lifting and rejuvenation effects. Here’s an overview:

  • PDO is a dissolvable suture material used for many years in medical procedures. The threads fully absorb over 4-6 months.
  • Inserted threads provide structure that lifts sagging skin on the cheeks, jowls and neck.
  • As the threads dissolve, collagen production is stimulated to smooth wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Improvements emerge progressively over 6-12 months as the threads lift then dissolve while collagen regenerates for tightening.
  • Tiny insertion points allow threads to be placed strategically in 30-60 minutes with only local numbing.

For longer lasting results, PDO threads can be combined with laser or ultrasound skin tightening. This further stimulates collagen for gradual tightening over time.

Benefits of PDO Thread Lifts

Patients choose PDO thread lifts for advantages including:

Minimally invasive procedureOffice-based procedure with little to no scarring.
AffordabilityMore affordable alternative to surgical facelift.
Low riskLess risk, discomfort and shorter recovery than invasive surgery.
Natural looking resultsNoticeable yet natural-looking lifting and smoothing of skin.
Collagen stimulationStimulates your own collagen for longer lasting improvements.
RepeatableCan be repeated every 1-2 years for sustained enhancements.
Gradual resultsGradual, subtle rejuvenation appears over 2-3 months.

For moderate sagging, PDO threads safely lift and tighten while avoiding facelift surgery.

The PDO thread experts at Montville MedSpa determine the right threads to use based on your individual goals.

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Your PDO Thread Lift Experience

Understanding the straightforward procedure and recovery helps ease any concerns:

Treatment Day

Your thread lift procedure involves:

  • Topical numbing cream applied to maximize comfort
  • PDO threads skillfully inserted via small needle punctures
  • Gentle molding of skin to desired position over threads
  • Procedure takes around 30 minutes depending on number of threads


Recovery from a PDO thread lift procedure is remarkably smooth for most patients. For the first few days, you may experience some mild tenderness, swelling and bruising around treatment areas as your body adjusts to the newly lifted contours. 

Any discomfort can usually be managed easily with over-the-counter pain medications.

The smart design of PDO threads allows for quick healing with minimal downtime. Most swelling and discoloration subsides within 5-7 days. 

You can return to light activities after 2 days and regular routines within a week. But it’s best to avoid strenuous exercise during that initial 7-day period to allow tissues to stabilize gently.

It’s important to keep in mind that the structural lift from PDO threads develops very gradually over time. As the threads are absorbed by your body, your natural collagen production is stimulated. 

The full contouring results will emerge over 6-8 weeks, with ongoing subtle enhancements noticeable through 3 months post-procedure.

Overall, PDO threads provide a remarkably comfortable and low-risk way to reap the benefits of a facelift without major surgery. 

The recovery period is swift, and those gradual yet long-lasting improvements are worth the minimal initial investment of time. Let me know if you need any clarification about the process.

Caring for Skin After PDO Thread Lifts

Certain measures preserve and prolong your rejuvenated appearance:

Post-Procedure Care

Avoid rubbing or massaging treatment areas to prevent thread shifting. Follow any instructions for skin care provided by your practitioner. Refrain from facials, laser treatments or chemical peels until threads absorb properly.

Maintaining Results

Repeat thread lifts every 12 to 18 months to lift sagging areas as they recur. Protect your skin from sun damage by using broad spectrum SPF 30+ daily. Eat a healthy diet with plenty of antioxidant foods to support collagen

Am I a Good Candidate for PDO Thread Lifts?

The ideal PDO thread lift candidates include:

Best CandidatesThose in overall good health without serious medical conditions. Have mild to moderately sagging or lax facial skin. Seeking preventative facial rejuvenation before major sagging develops. Willing to allow gradual improvements over months as threads dissolve.
Less Ideal CandidatesPeople with very severe/heavy drooping facial skin and folds. Those expecting immediate surgical-level changes from threads. Individuals with conditions affecting wound healing. People prone to thick scar formation.

Realistic expectations about the degree of lifting and tightening threads are important.

Costs of PDO Thread Lifts

PDO thread lift costs depend on the number of threads needed for optimal lifting and rejuvenation

At Montville MedSpa, PDO thread lift prices are set at industry standards based on how many threads are used. During consultation, your provider can quote pricing tailored to precisely treat your concerns.

FAQs About PDO Thread Lifts

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

How long do results last?

Thread lifting effects last 12 to 18 months. The collagen stimulation induced smooths skin longer. Maintenance sessions can sustain results.

What is recovery like?

Most return to normal activities in 1-2 days. Some temporary swelling, tenderness, numbness and bruising may occur but resolve.

Does a thread lift provide similar results to a surgical facelift?

Thread lifts provide moderate lifting and smoothing, not dramatic tightening like surgery. They are ideal for earlier sagging.

What are possible side effects?

Temporary bruising, irritation, asymmetry and palpable threads may occur but typically resolve within 2 weeks.

Are threads visible under the skin?

Threads are very thin and once inserted, not visible. With time they fully dissolve and are undetectable.

Schedule a consultation at Montville MedSpa to have all your thread lift questions answered.

Why Choose Montville MedSpa for PDO Thread Lifts

When researching thread lift providers, key factors to evaluate include:

  • Qualified, experienced injectors
  • A customized approach focused on your unique facial rejuvenation goals
  • Utilizing the latest dissolvable PDO thread lift techniques and products
  • Caring, patient-focused atmosphere that puts you at ease
  • A robust skin rejuvenation menu to enhance and maintain thread lift results

With our artistic vision, safe techniques and personalized care, Montville MedSpa is the clear choice for thread lifts.

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Revive Your Appearance with PDO Thread Lifts

PDO thread lifting offers a minimally invasive way to lift sagging skin and define facial contours without undergoing surgery. 

The dissolvable threads stimulate your own collagen to achieve gradual rejuvenation over months. With a meticulous approach and keen eye for facial aesthetics, Montville MedSpa develops customized PDO thread lift treatments to help you look refreshed and feel confident.